New Year’s Goal Setting Party

New Year’s resolutions are out. Goal setting is in. So, ditch your resolutions list and plan a New Year’s Goal Setting Party for your friends this holiday season.

A New Year’s Goal Setting Party brings people together to share their visions for the upcoming year in a fun, communal way. It’s a wholesome holiday party that doesn’t require much effort to host but can have a lasting positive impact on you and your guests. 

In 2022, I attended my first goal setting get-together and it transformed my year. It led me to start this blog, get more adventurous in the kitchen, and reach goals I didn’t even know I wanted to achieve. 

What exactly do you do at a goal setting party? You write down your goals for the new year and share them with the group for inspiration. You can also bring your goals to life in a vision board made from magazine cutouts or printed photos. 

So, why should you host a New Year’s Goal Setting Party? You’re more likely to achieve your goals if you speak them into existence and share them with others. It sets a level of accountability for reaching your goals in the new year. It’s also a great way to get inspiration for your own goals from others.

The Party Plan

  • Welcome Your Guests
  • Goal Setting Presentation
  • Set Your Goals
  • Design Vision Boards
  • Share Your Goals

Welcome Your Guests

Break the ice with drinks and light bites and make sure to introduce people who may not know each other yet. (They’re about to get real close). You’ll want to wait for everyone to arrive before kicking off the goal setting presentation.  

Goal Setting

For the goal setting, set expectations and guide your guests through the experience. Along with sharing guidelines for success, set boundaries for a safe space to make your guests feel comfortable talking about their goals afterward. 

The goals are broken into two categories: main goals and extra goals. You should aim to write three goals under every main goal. Push yourself to write three goals even if you need to copy someone else’s goal. It will help you reach goals you didn’t even know you could or wanted to achieve. Then, you can cherry-pick categories from the extra goals category depending on your interests. 

Main Goals
Extra Goals

Here is a look into each main category:

After the presentation, give your guests some time to think and talk about their potential goals before moving on to vision boarding. 

Vision Boarding

A vision board is a collection of magazine cutouts, photographs, or written words that symbolize your goals for the upcoming year.

To set up a vision board station, you’ll need the following:

  • Paper (like card stock, construction paper, or poster boards cut into smaller pieces)
  • Old magazines
  • Glue sticks or tape
  • Scissors
  • Markers

You can tell your guests to bring personal printed photos in advance so they can add some to their boards. 

Share Your Goals 

To share your goals as a group, pick a goal category and go around the room to give everyone a chance to share their three goals from that category. Sharing goals by category makes it less daunting because everyone is doing it together. 

After you go through the main goals, each person can talk about their goals in the extra categories. 

If everyone in the group is comfortable with each other, you can also have each person take the floor and run through their entire list goals. 

Don’t forget to also share your vision boards to see how everyone’s goals fit together. 

Planning Tips

The Guest List

Goal setting is a personal endeavor, so when you’re thinking about your guest list plan for quality over quantity. Your guest list should not exceed more than 10 people. Too big of a group makes it challenging for people to share their goals openly. It also takes longer to go through everyone’s goal list. 

It’s ok if all your guests don’t know each other. Goal setting is a great way to bring people together. It can sometimes be easier to share your goals with strangers because they don’t have expectations of you.

The Invitation

New Year's Goal Setting Party Invite

Your guests need to know what they’re getting themselves into. Share with them the agenda and your vision for the event. If they ask to bring anything, you can tell them to bring extra magazines for vision boarding or any materials they might want to bring to set their goals like a notebook or personal photos for a vision board. 

If you would like my goal setting presentation for your party, comment “PRESENT” below and I’ll send it to you.

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5 responses

  1. Katherine Breton Avatar
    Katherine Breton

    Thank you so much for this! This is awesome, I can’t wait to begin setting my goals for next year?

  2. Morgan Williams Avatar
    Morgan Williams

    This was such a great idea and I had so much fun taking time to actually think about my goals. The presentation was so pretty and had very clear directions!

  3. Skyler Avatar

    Perfect timing! I was just thinking about planning a goal setting party when I came across this. Thank you for the tips ?

  4. Beatrice Avatar


  5. Milena Avatar

    WAIT I’ve never done this before because it seems overwhelming but this is soooo helpful. You’re inspiring me to do it this year!! Will share my vision board with you when it’s finished ?


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